Sunday 11 September 2011

My head hurts.

Today has not been the best of days. Everything just seems to be compounding and trying to ruin my attitude, but I decided that I wouldn't let that happen.

Even though it's overly used, my mantra for today is to


If I don't let this day ruin me, I should be alright to start afresh tomorrow. 

I had a lot of work to finish this week. I started off with New Student Orientation at MRU. One word: HILARIOUS! I remember how I was at the first week, freaking out over classes and what I had to do and how to do it, and whether I would do it wrong anyways... Oh, good times! It was so hilarious to see all the first years scrambling around with questions like mutant, english-speaking chickens. The best part was when the Dean of Health Studies was legit like "If you just started a relationship, then  you should probably end it". The whole room was really quiet and everyone couldn't tell if he was kidding.. Then he repeated himself, and a few students laughed. I looked at my orientation group and burst their bubble - "He's not kidding."

I wasn't all mean though. I rotated through 4 tables in total, and made sure to spend a good amount of time answering questions about the first year. The head of the orientation committee set us up with a lame "Fun Facts" activity. After I realized not student knew who Florence Nightingale was, I ditched the sheet and asked them if they had questions. I got everything from "Can I still have time to party?" to "Im freaking out about dosage calcs!"... Well,, you probably shouldn't be here if you are hoping for time to party, and I don't even know much about dosage calcs, so I think you're good....

I spent the weekend working with BOOM!, my on-the-side-very-casual-but-still-awesome-and-kickass job promoting Irish Springs' new "Legendary Freshness Scent" on the U of C campus. We had to wear wonderful bathrobes that gave the illusion of being ...NAKED... while handing out samples of body wash and antiperspirant. 

6 hours in the blazing sun and 30 degree weather kind of gets to you when you're wearing a bathrobe, but the money is great and my bosses are great and the company is cool, so I more than compensated for having to do this. I got some pretty interesting reactions including an old man asking me if I had clothes on underneath (I said yes, and he asked me "why?"......... ) and a chauvinist tell me that I would probably give away more product if I was in an Irish Springs bikini instead of a bathrobe.. He got the classic Jill - two middle fingers up with no dignified verbal response.

On Friday night, I went out to West with a few people from this group because our supervisor was from Ontario and wanted to see a bit of the city life. I wish I had picked any other place in the entire world besides West. I would have even settled for the Alley over it. It was overpriced, pretentious, and worst of all, BORING. It was my first time out there and I was surprised that everyone I know has been raving about this club. Maybe it was a bad night, and maybe it was...slow or something. But the average age was 30, there were actually grandmas and grandpas out on the floor and the DJ was playing Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Theme Song and R-E-S-P-E-C-T among other....not dance-able music. It was like a high school reunion for people who graduated in the late 80's-early 90's. I was thoroughly unimpressed. IT'S A FRIDAY NIGHT, BRO. I WANT TO GROOVE.

To top the night off, the people I was with got pretty wasted and decided they wanted to go to Singapore Sam's...which is open till 4 in the morning and serves AMAZING chinese food. After a hefty meal, I finally got home at 4 in the morning.... only to be awoken by the sound of my shed being built at 7 AM. After tossing in my bed for another hour, i just decided to get up and go to work all over again. Did the same thing, had more pervy men ask me pervy questions, and after 6 minutes of getting ready, I ushered Colin to this UNICEF benefit concert for St. Andrew's Church. Along with Colin's band, there was an amazing 14 yr old boy and a 16 yr old girl who sang like angels and probably got a lot of people to donate lots of money... 

On a side note, you should probably donate too... because all donations given to UNICEF Canada before September 16th are matched dollar for dollar! SO GIVE!

and then we went and hung out at his place, and by hang out, I mean I just passed out because I physically could not remain conscious any longer after running on 3 hours of sleep - which by the way is where my shit day begins.

Because I fell asleep and was really tired, Colin just let me be. I woke up panicking at 3 in the morning because my blood sugar was dropping fast (I hadn't had the chance to eat anything all day besides drink a protein shake from Jugo). I shoved a bunch of cookies in my mouth and got Colin to drive me home. As I walked in the door, my dog started barking and woke my dad up. He came downstairs in this blinded rage and started screaming at me, not even making sense half the time, about how I choose to purposely disrespect my parents by coming home late all the time, and how because I haven't cleaned my room, I am trying to drive everyone insane and crazy and I am the worst type of child ever. He wouldn't even shut up for 5 minutes to listen to me tell him that it was an honest mistake and that I fell asleep. Then he moved into how I should clean my room because that's also a large sign of disrespect and I obviously don't care about my family. News flash, Dad: I WILL NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WHAT YOU  HAVE TO SAY IF IT DOESNT MAKE ANY SENSE IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. After literally being yelled at for an hour, I managed to get into bed at 430 - feeling like the worst kid for falling asleep by accident. He pretty much grounded me... even though I am 18. Im just too much of a pussy to go against him right now. 

Then, this morning I wake up to find out my car is STILL being a piece of shit and won't even manage to transport me out of the driveway without stalling. That sucks even harder because today was the first time I was supposed to hang out with Tannikka in weeks, and I was kind of hoping my dad would give me a ride into the north end of town so I could visit her. 

Then, that one decision that I thought was good from yesterday, the protein shake from Jugo, RUINED MY BOWELS this morning. Never again. I looked up whey protein.  Of course it happens to be one of the worst things for people with IBS! Of course! 

And finally, the cherry on top of my Sunday, the big finale... Colin and I had a conversation that basically went like this:

And I quote:

Me: What's on your mind?
Colin: I dont know
Me: Ok, well, you're acting strange
Colin: I am just not happy around you anymore. You are really making me miserable.
Me: . . . . . .
Colin: It's not me, ITS ALL YOU.

and then I cried, shoved my face full of Cheetos and now Im blogging while my contacts regain their clarity because they turned really foggy after I expelled buckets of tears from my eyes.

So, all in all,



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