Tuesday 14 June 2011

Two Negatives Make A Positive, And Algebra Taught me that -1 +1 = 0

That ridiculous title is an explanation of the last 24 hours.
Last night made it official - I am a Single Lady. :( Im super sad that it happened, and I would definitely love it if he took me back. It happened for good reasons, I suppose.
Anyways, shortly after it was settled, I had to go out to dinner for my dad's birthday. I put on a face and decided to make the best of the night. We went to Joey's (because I get 10% off!) and had a late appy-wine night. After, I thought that it would be appropriate to go to Alana's and drink my sorrows away.

That is EXACTLY what I did.

To the point where I don't remember puking up my entire dinner, rolling around in her lawn, and passing out - faceplanting into the mattress and staying there, in the same position, the entire night.
We (her, John Howard, and myself) all went out to this bar after I drank a lot of smirnoff really fast and apparently I wouldn't go to use the bathroom in the bar because I was afraid their aseptic practices were not up to standard.  Yup. Sounds like classic, hammed Shifrah.

Except for I dont remember anything!!!! I am afraid I am suffering from early onset alzhiemer's or something but Alana just assured me that I got blacked-out drunk. That's never  happened to me before. :(

Needless to say, I decided I would do some good today. My body needed some restoration and I managed to get the evening off from work so I could do some paper-writing. I spent an hour doing some hot yoga - and it was awesome! Definitely made my hangover disappear, and canceled out the negative of getting belligerent the night before. Dripping buckets of sweat, I realized that this summer pass is going to do nothing but boatloads of good. Tonight's class was a little difficult but I managed to push through it. Now, Alana and I are going to magically procure amazing papers out of thin air as they are due tomorrow.

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