Sunday 17 July 2011

Challenge: day1/day2

I was thinking about my challenge last night, and I have decided that "hanging out with friends I rarely see" counts. Because I never do that. I am the worst friend alive. Seriously. Most awful friend. But the friends that are understand and only give me shit for it if I haven't seen them in a year are the best kind. So here's to you! Old pals! I love you and I am challenging myself to spend lots of time with you this summer (it isn't supposed to sound like that..).

Anyways, furthermore, I totally wouldnt be offended if 2/3 readers just "marked this blog as read" for the next thirty days because it's going to be a mundane recap of my daily activities. Otherwise, enjoy!

July 16th, Day 1:

  • ran errands for the Gaspers - they are wonderful family friends of ours, and Mr. Gasper is currently helping my parents lay flooring in our house because my  mother is yet again upon a home-reno tyranny. 
  • went to a yin-yang class at Breathe - Hilarious factoid: I fell asleep during the last part of the yang portion. I was so tired, I just passed out for a few minutes.. thankfully, I woke up before the final shivasana and spared myself monumental embarrassment.
  • went to the Gaspers' for a little wine/chips/dip, and to watch the fireworks. Earlier, during errands, I picked up a nice order of wine from this unique wine store called ZYN. Seriously amazing collection, and totally quaint spot on the outskirts of Inglewood. I got to enjoy some and I have to say.... I might have a new favorite... Its called Grey Wolf! So good!
All in all, it was a really good night! I was really glad to spend some time over at their place because I haven't seen them in so long. It was good to catch up.

July 17th, Day 2:
  • helped with house renos! I sanded baseboards, painted them, and ran around to Home Depot to pick up parts for the toilet. I was so lost in there! It is terrifying! With so many nuts and bolts all over the place, I felt like I was in the gym locker of a transformer!
  • went to a restorative class. We went through some pretty intense positions that were meant to stretch out the back. I don't know if they worked really well or I have lost all nerve control in my back...but I feel pretty good!

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