Wednesday 20 July 2011

Challenge: day3/day4/day5

Keeping up with this challenge is becoming more and more difficult every day. I almost want to put "getting 14 hours of sleep a day - because I need to be well-rested" on the list... but we all know that's just "hokum" (Dr. Sheldon Cooper, Big Bang Theory).

Can you tell that I am going through favorite sitcom withdrawal? Or maybe missing school and itching to cite sources again...... "BAZINGA!" (Cooper, Big Bang Theory) .... but seriously...

July 18th, Day 3:

  • I took my lazy puppy on a long, well-deserved, and much needed walk. And it was - for the both of us. 
  • FINALLY stopped procrastinating and spent almost two hours on the phone with the Student Loans office and got my application under way. It was becoming one of the "You ever have so much to do that you just decide to take a nap?" days... so I just pushed through being rerouted to several different offices and got 'er done.
July 19th, Day 4:
  • woke up and actually caught the last moments of the sunrise...which is..surprisingly something I don't see often during the summer. I went and spoke with a guy I know at my bank because he said he might be able to get me a job. BUT unfortunately, the hiring manager was out of town on vacation, so I get to go visit Mr. Ian once more next week.
  • Went for lunch at Globefish with Ariffa! It was bordering on stranger-danger here because we hadn't seen each other for so long but I am so glad that we made the time. After a filling lunch, we strolled around the Kensington area and shopped a little bit. She showed me this wonderful thrift store, Trend Fashions, that seriously rocked my socks! I found a really cute dress for $15! I am definitely going back.
  • My body was itching to go out so I decided to revisit the Broken City for Punk Rock Bingo! It was awesome! I am so glad I went, I got to see all of my high school friends and just had a good time in general. 
July 20th, Day 5:
  • Lunch date! again! I went out for lunch with my friends Kari and Alana, it was good to catch up, and talk about something other than school. Originally, we planned to go to Denny's because..let's face it... Breakfast is awesome at any time of the day...but then it was closed for renovations so we relocated to Ricky's..another breakfast diner. Haha! A strawberry milkshake, 3 pancakes, a pepper+pesto shrimp+goat cheese omlette and a cheesecake taster later..... I came home and
  • decided to walk it all off! I took Waffles for another long, winding walk. And now we're both pooped. We're cuddling on the couch..
  • ...and Im finally going to dig into a book! I picked a light read to get back into the swing of things. Nicholas Sparks is a tear-jerker, and The Lucky One sounds no different. 
I'll report back after a few more days of productivity!

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